A First Birthday
Three weeks ago, my little girl turned 1. Somehow, a complete year of her life has flown by and I'm not even sure how it happened. I do know that more than enough coffee was consumed in this last year. And, probably not as much sleep as I would have liked!
We enjoyed celebrating with close family and friends. There was fried fish, fun presents and plenty of red white and blue doughnuts for everyone. And little did I know that I had such a doughnut fan on my hands. This girl wasn't timid in the slightest about chowing down!

We had so much fun for this party! And while I loved doing all the decorating, the cookies and the doughnuts were the best parts! Thank you Shannon at 1211 Bakery for the awesome cookies and Momo's Doughnuts for providing me with some hilarious photos of my girl and her doughnut!
xo, Lauren